The current projects, operations, and happenings of Griffith Observatories (GriffO)
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Arena
Well, just found an old Rainbow Six wallpaper I had, which in turn reminded me of the legendary team 'Rainbow' of Clockball back in 2002 (or around then). I spent the 3 minutes editing it which led to me sharing it with you. Yeah.
Okay, I know nothing about any team rainbow--but I do check you blog a lot, and I'm glad to see you're still alive. Love you. Yeah.
looking good, dude -- those were the days, right? keep on rockin'.
I think you should move out here with Kent and me!!! It would be fun! My sister moved out here!! Wink wink!!
KYLE! okay, i checked your blog today. still looks good. later.
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