Wednesday, July 18, 2007

could be bad

I had settled in to view 4 new trailers (not a particularly large amount, i had 26 qued up recently, taking me roughly an hour to get through) that had popped up on my trailer RSS feed when in growing horror I realized that one of these upcoming movies was depicting Brigham Young speaking in front of the tabernacle and providing visuals of temple practices very sacred to my faith, Mormonism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.

The movie, "September Dawn", will be centering it's "true events" around what has come to be known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre.  In my limited searching I haven't found too many existing reviews of the motion picture but I was slightly uplifted by the discovery of this review, as I believe written by a non-member of the the LDS Church: .  He obviously sees right through the filmograply; how the director and collaborators of such a picture drasticly skew the characters and present them as they wish and not how fact tell us they were (not to mention how little is known and how much is speculated and flat-out fictionized).  Read the review. Watch the trailer:
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Jen said...

Thanks for the heads up, Ender. I hate crap like that.

Anonymous said...

i'm commenting. i really like your picture of the silk milk. very nice.

Anonymous said...

"Meadows Mass" only makes my testimony stronger-Satan feels threatened.
Love ya

Grandma Pastton